Thursday, April 22, 2010

Adoption & the Media

It has come to my attention that there will be an expose' run about an adoption agency in the State of Georgia. The particular agency has had a series of complaints and while it is within a consumers' right to lodge complaints, I grow tired of the public taking their personal fights to the media. Sadly, I have yet to see the media present an objective story on adoption. What generally occurs is they go for the "newsworthy" ugly side of the adoption story which then creates fear, panic and a horrendous storm of myths.

Recently an adoption attorney friend of ours said that he sees this cycle every 7 years. An once 1 story hits the media, it take approximatley 7 years for those of us who do practice ethical adoption standards to recover.

So, you are getting my personal opinion. Voicing complaints about specific adoption providers through the newspapers, TV or the Internet is injurious to many of us who strive so hard to disspell myths and help create positive adoption experience.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcome Springtime

As everyone knows, Spring is the time of new birth, beautiful color, and fresh breezes. In the world of adoption, Spring also tends to bring a burst of new births! Many of our client families who have waited through the dark days of winter are excited about embracing the news that they are "matched" or their baby is born.

If you are one of the many adoptive families awaiting to hear your own news, remember to exercise patience and understanding. The decision by a birth parent to make an adoption plan is not an easy choice. It is fraught with personal dynamics that are beyond the reach of most adoptive families to understand. Our lives always intersect through the birth of the child. It is not uncommon for two families of completely different backgrounds, religions and socio-economic levels to find a common ground centered in the life of a child.

So as you look at your gardens and see the burst of color and new flowers, try to imagine that as a symbol of the burst of life that awaits you. You cannot coax a flower to bloom, it appears in due time. Why would anyone expect the birth of a child to be any different than the long time it takes for a bulb to germinate and bloom in your Spring garden?

May all who read this enjoy the beauty of Spring and embrace the importance of waiting for the good news that life brings to your world.