Monday, March 15, 2010

Creating Families

One of the great perks in working with families in their adoption journey is helping to a create a family. The family's journey isn't always easy and at times it can feel overwhelming. But in the end, a family is made whole. A baby is brought home and all of the ups and downs of the adoption journey are made worthwhile.

I love getting those first pictures of the baby. Seeing this tiny little person being held by his or her mom or dad just warms my heart. Hearing the story of the first time the parents held their new son or daughter never gets old. It is worth telling over and over again.

This past week, one of my client families flew to Oklahoma to meet their son. The joy in their voices as we talk on the phone is evident. The laughter and delight as they tell me about their experiences permeates each conversation. They are parents. And life feels very good.